1,532 research outputs found

    NoVaS Transformations: Flexible Inference for Volatility Forecasting

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    In this paper we contribute several new results on the NoVaS transformation approach for volatility forecasting introduced by Politis (2003a,b, 2007). In particular: (a) we introduce an alternative target distribution (uniform); (b) we present a new method for volatility forecasting using NoVaS ; (c) we show that the NoVaS methodology is applicable in situations where (global) stationarity fails such as the cases of local stationarity and/or structural breaks; (d) we show how to apply the NoVaS ideas in the case of returns with asymmetric distribution; and finally (e) we discuss the application of NoVaS to the problem of estimating value at risk (VaR). The NoVaS methodology allows for a flexible approach to inference and has immediate applications in the context of short time series and series that exhibit local behavior (e.g. breaks, regime switching etc.) We conduct an extensive simulation study on the predictive ability of the NoVaS approach and find that NoVaS forecasts lead to a much ÔtighterÕ distribution of the forecasting performance measure for all data generating processes. This is especially relevant in the context of volatility predictions for risk management. We further illustrate the use of NoVaS for a number of real datasets and compare the forecasting performance of NoVaS -based volatility forecasts with realized and range-based volatility measures.ARCH, GARCH, local stationarity, structural breaks, VaR, volatility.

    Algorithmic options for joint time-frequency analysis in structural dynamics applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to present recent research efforts by the authors supporting the superiority of joint time-frequency analysis over the traditional Fourier transform in the study of non-stationary signals commonly encountered in the fields of earthquake engineering, and structural dynamics. In this respect, three distinct signal processing techniques appropriate for the representation of signals in the time-frequency plane are considered. Namely, the harmonic wavelet transform, the adaptive chirplet decomposition, and the empirical mode decomposition, are utilized to analyze certain seismic accelerograms, and structural response records. Numerical examples associated with the inelastic dynamic response of a seismically-excited 3-story benchmark steel-frame building are included to show how the mean-instantaneous-frequency, as derived by the aforementioned techniques, can be used as an indicator of global structural damage

    Converting images to music using their colour properties

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    Presented at the 12th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), London, UK, June 20-23, 2006.Music is associated to colors since ancient years. Different mappings between attributes of sound and images allow the efficient conversion between the two types of media. The proposed method for converting images to music using the concept of chromaticism provides the area of computer music with a parameterized environment for audio-visual presentations. The auditory display of colour images may bring the different ways that a listener perceives a musical piece (because of colour transitions) to light. A design template for chromatic synthesis is described. A short example, based on a graphical digital icon, demonstrates the preliminary results

    Investigating the relationship between tax revenues and tax ratios : an empirical research for selected OECD countries

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    Purpose: Effective tax rates can have dual effect in the economic policy of a country by maintaining the state revenues in sustainable levels providing a safe net for the economic development. If taxation struggles the economy, there should be a turning point were the results of high tax rates do not have the expected results on the state revenue. The parabolic relation of Laffer curve is tested on a data set of different OECD countries. Design/Approach/Methodology: Three different functions have been selected to test the Laffer curve starting from the fact that the relation of revenues with taxes should have a parabolic form, with the turning point to be the peak of the parabola. Findings: The findings suggest that there exists a peak point where taxation policy is not providing the expected revenues. Results suggest that this pattern is common in several countries with different taxation regimes. The effective tax rates are different between the countries. Countries are divided into clusters with the same effective tax rates. The relation of the tax revenue and taxation rates is adjusted with the tax moral of the country. Practical Implications: The results are compared with other possible forms of the relation of revenue and taxes with considerable importance.peer-reviewe

    The evaluation of the USD currency and the oil prices : a Var analysis

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    Dollar devaluation creates a huge problem in the world oil industry, leading to a vast decrease in the revenues of the oil producers, though the local oil producers use the local currencies to operate and the oil price is evaluated in dollars. The depreciation of the US dollar reduces the effect of the high prices in oil, making it rather cheap for all the countries and especially for the Eurozone area. The record high exchange rate of the Euro vis-à-vis dollar followed by a subsequent high of the crude oil price, suggests on a relation between the price of the oil and the evaluation of the US dollar. The main aim of this research is to construct an restricted Vector Autoregressive estimation model to simulate the relation between the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar and Euro against the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices for light crude oil, in connection with the impulse response of the prices to the various shocks. Lastly, a co integration test will illuminate the possibility of simultaneous long term integration along with Granger causality test to estimate the direction of causality in variables.peer-reviewe

    The Association Between Arthritis and Depression Intensified by Excessive Body Weight

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    This presentation was given during the Georgia Southern University Research Symposium

    International stock markets : a co-integration analysis

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    This study investigates the degree of co-integration between five major European stock markets and five major non European stock markets. The results show that all five major European stock markets are co-integrated either positively or negatively, while among the five major non European the Canadian, the Japanese and the Singapore are non cointegrated with the others. The results point towards a decreasing number of common stochastic trends influencing the stock markets, i.e. the degree of co-integration between the European stock markets has been increased during the recent decade.peer-reviewe

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